> One other thing. If you're running on a Gigabit network, try turning
> off jumbo frames - there seems to be some problems still with getting
> that to work properly, and it's been known to cause NFS hangs.
Is this problem specific to the 2.4 series or is the 2.2 NFS implementation
suspect to this as well. I am curious because we have a good number of SMP
servers running SuSE's 2.2.19 kernel connected to a NetApp filer via GigE
with jumbo frames and have not had any problems during development.
However, we are about 1 month from going production and load will increase
tremendously then (even though we've attempted to stress the system in
development, real production always introduces new loads).
Anyway, If this is a known problem with 2.2 as well I may reconsider leaving
jumbo frames enabled.
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