AGPgart broken in 2.4.9-ac9 for Via KT266

From: Ethan Baldridge (
Date: Sat Sep 08 2001 - 09:50:50 EST

It detects the AGP chipset fine, but when X starts,
it displays garbage and hard locks the console.

I know it's not an issue with the Radeon DRI driver,
as I compiled the radeon.o module directly out of the
same XFree86 CVS download I was using before I
upgraded my motherboard.

On load the agpgart module does give an odd message:
agpgart: unable to get minor: 175

I checked /dev/agpgart, and it is definitely minor
What does it mean it can't get that minor?

Please CC any responses to me, as I am not subscribed
to the list.

Thank you very much!

Ethan Baldridge

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