Re: [GOLDMINE!!!] Athlon optimisation bug (was Re: Duron kernel crash)

From: Nicholas Knight (
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 07:59:41 EST

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 04:21 am, Jonathan Morton wrote:
> >Today I updated the BIOS of my motherboard, a ABIT KT7A (VIA Apollo
> > KT133A chipset). The kernel I had (2.4.9) started crashing on boot
> > with an invalid page fault, usually right after starting init. I
> > tryed a i686 kernel and noticed it works OK, so I recompiled my
> > crashy kernel only switching the processor type and it also worked.
> > changed it back to Athlon/K7/Duron and it starts crashing.
> >
> >Anyone else experiencing this?
> This problem is known about, but this is the first report we've had
> of it on a Duron (as opposed to Athlon), and you've successfully
> tracked it down to the updated BIOS.

Actually we've had a couple reports on Durons on KT133A chipsets failing.
We've only had a couple reports of BIOS versions making a difference
though, and it was never really clear which version did what.

> We need the versions of your old and new BIOSes, as accurately as you
> can make it.

Can someone compare the INTERNAL BIOS versions (as opposed to the
external reported by the motherboard manufacturer)?
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