Re: AIC7xxx errors in 2.2.19 but not in 2.2.18

From: Andreas Steinmetz (
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 08:37:38 EST

2.2.19 only has the 'old' driver. The 'raid/scsi new' problem is a notifier
chain sequence problem that seems to have been taken care of now.
What I do see here may be a coincidence of kernel upgrade and a faulty drive.
Some snippets of 2.2.19 log messages of a faulty drive below.

May 2 03:33:07 pollux kernel: (scsi1:0:1:0) Parity error during Data-In phase.
May 2 03:33:37 pollux kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
1188263, scsi1, channel 0, id 1, lun 0 Read (10) 00 01 04 cd 97 00 00 80 00
May 2 03:33:38 pollux kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
1188268, scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Read (10) 00 01 04 ce 2f 00 00 80 00
May 2 03:33:38 pollux kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
1188269, scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Read (10) 00 01 04 ce af 00 00 28 00
May 2 03:33:38 pollux kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
1188270, scsi1, channel 0, id 1, lun 0 Read (10) 00 01 04 ce 17 00 00 80 00
May 2 03:33:38 pollux kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
1188271, scsi1, channel 0, id 1, lun 0 Read (10) 00 01 04 ce 97 00 00 40 00
May 2 03:33:38 pollux kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
1188272, scsi1, channel 0, id 2, lun 0 Read (10) 00 01 04 ce 17 00 00 80 00
May 2 03:33:38 pollux kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
1188273, scsi1, channel 0, id 2, lun 0 Read (10) 00 01 04 ce 97 00 00 40 00
May 2 03:33:38 pollux kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
1188274, scsi1, channel 0, id 3, lun 0 Read (10) 00 01 04 ce 17 00 00 80 00
May 2 03:33:38 pollux kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid
1188275, scsi1, channel 0, id 3, lun 0 Read (10) 00 01 04 ce 97 00 00 08 00
May 2 03:33:39 pollux kernel: SCSI host 1 abort (pid 1188263) timed out -
May 2 03:33:39 pollux kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 1 channel 0
May 2 03:33:41 pollux kernel: SCSI host 1 reset (pid 1188263) timed out again -
May 2 03:33:41 pollux kernel: probably an unrecoverable SCSI bus or device

On 14-Sep-2001 Frank Schneider wrote:
> Holger Kiehl schrieb:
>> Hello
>> I am getting SCSI errors with an onboard Adaptec AIC-7890/1 Ultra2, but
>> only under very heavy disk load and only under kernel 2.2.19. These errors
>> do not appear under 2.2.18.
>> The system I have is a dual PIII-450 with 6 disks attached to the
>> controller.
>> All disks are put together in SW-Raid5 array with one configured as hot
>> spare.
> (..log snipped..)
>> >From Alan's changelog I see that there where changes in the AIC7xxx code.
>> Any idea what is wrong here?
> Hello...
> I (and someone else) had also mysterious problems with AIC7xxx and
> RAID1/5, but we use Kernel 2.4.x.
> In Kernel 2.4.x you can choose between two versions of the
> aix7xxx-driver, one "old" one (Version 5.2.x) and a "new" one (Version
> 6.x.x). Do a "cat /proc/scsi/aic7xxx/0" to find your version.
> We both found out that our problems dissapear when we use the "old"
> driver (my tests are still in progress because my error (always the same
> scsi-disk falling out of an raid5-array with an "internal error", but
> the disk seems to be good) only appeared randomly about once a week, so
> i still have to wait if it is really gone.
> So perhaps you can try to use the older driver or determine the version
> of your aic7xxx-driver. Perhaps you can use the aic7xxx-driver from
> kernel 2.2.18 in Kernel 2.2.19 ?
> You should also boot your system with the parameter "aic7xxx=verbose",
> that will provide more infos in the syslog.
> Solong..
> Frank.
> --
> Frank Schneider, <SPATZ1@T-ONLINE.DE>.
> Microsoft isn't the answer.
> Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.
> ... -.-
> -
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Andreas Steinmetz
D.O.M. Datenverarbeitung GmbH
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