A brief note of _thanks_ to all that create the linux kernel.
Mid-morning, I checked on a database fetch that has occaisonally
gotten out of hand and overrun the system -- depending on the kernel
version. It was overrun but this time, it was probably due to a
change I made in the fetch code yesterday.... but the _real_ issue is
that this is the first time I have ever had a very responsive system
under a load of 13+ and a couple hundred processes. There have been
countless times in the past that getting control when the system load
has gone past 6-7 was nearly impossible.
I was completely amazed and spent about 30 seconds to tame the rogue
processes, with system access feeling just like normal load
This particular gem of a kernel is:
2.4.9-ac10 #1 SMP Tue Sep 11 21:47:15 PDT 2001 i686
I'd suggest that those running large applications experiencing
problems in transition from 2.2 -> 2.4 give this kernel a try.
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