/dev/yapoll : Re: [PATCH] /dev/epoll update ...

From: Christopher K. St. John (cks@distributopia.com)
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 14:40:00 EST

Davide Libenzi wrote:
> Instead of requesting /dev/epoll changes to make it
> something that is not born for, i think that the /dev/poll
> patch can be improved in a significant way.

 I think there's agreement that Davide doesn't want
to change his /dev/epoll code.

 So, as an experiment, I'm modifying /dev/epoll to
more closely match the interface described in:


 The paper describes in detail an event based
notification mechanism for determining which fd's are
ready for processing. Linux-/dev/poll is, and
/dev/epoll appears to be, a variant of the mechanism
described in the paper.

 To save further pointless argument, I'm calling the
experiment "/dev/yapoll".

 Specifically, I've added code to return the initial
state of the fd's as they are added to the interest
list. It seems to work ok so far, but I'll be doing
some benchmarking this weekend. I will post a patch
if no problems turn up.

 Davide seems to think it would be better to start
with the Linux-/dev/poll patch, but I disagree
(/dev/epoll itself appears to be based on the
Linux-/dev/poll code) I guess I'll soon find out if
he was right.

Christopher St. John cks@distributopia.com
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