On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Alan Cox wrote:
> > > If this passes, everyone working in computer security can be arrested and thrown in prison for life. In addition, people such as Kevin Mitnick can be thrown
> > > back in prison even though they have already paid for their crime (double jeopardy?).
> > >
> > > http://www.securityfocus.com/news/257
> Cuba is within small boat distance. I thought it was going to be twenty
> years before the direction changed, now Im not so sure
> -
I have been told of people covering this destance by swin, I do not know
if it is true, but a seawolf told me that from USA to cuba should
be easier to go. :).
I was thinking to Richelieau princip:
Fare una legge e non farla rispettare significa
autorizzare il contrario.
(sorry, unable to translate in english, it is something like if you say a
law, and you are not
forcing people to respect it, people are allowed by law to do the
Do you think Americans are considering this moral aspect?
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