> > > Nothing dangeorus there. The -ac vm isnt triggering these cases.
> >
> > Sorry, but it can be triggered by _ANY_ VM since buddy allocator was
> > introduced. You have no guarantee, that you find two or more consecutive
> > free pages. And if you don't, poll() fails.
> The two page case isnt one you need to worry about. To all intents and
> purposes it does not happen,
How do you know it? I showed a simple case where it may happen.
> and if you do the maths it isnt going to
> fail in any interesting ways. Once you go to the 4 page set the odds get
> a lot longer and then rapidly get very bad indeed,
I hope you don't want to count probability that the server will or won't
crash (yes, crash, because when poll in main loop fails, the server
process has not many choices - it can only terminate itself). This reminds
me some Microsoft announcement saying that Windows NT are 3 times more
stable than Windows 95 :-)
And it does happen - see this:
Maybe probability was reduced somehow, but the problem is still there.
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