On Mon, 2001-10-08 at 09:54, Bill Davidsen wrote:
> I've beaten this dead horse before, but Linux will not look to
> management like a viable candidate for default o/s until whoever releases
> new versions of *stable* kernel series with cosmetic changes which break
> existing systems running earlier releases of the same stable kernel
> series.
This is why there are *distributions*. If you're going to be upgrading
straight from the devloper's mouth, you should be prepared to check for
these errata *when you upgrade*. I don't recall seeing any kernel
document that guarantees stability for anything but base APIs in any
(pure) kernel distribution I have ever seen.
-- The Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. -- John Gilmore ** Amateur Nuclear Specialist Bryon Roche, Kain <kain@imperativesoultions.com> <kain@kain.org>
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