USB mouse cause keyboard lock

From: Charles Bueche (
Date: Sun Oct 21 2001 - 15:00:36 EST


I have an annoying problem with my PC : the keyboard locks up very often.

Hardware : Dell laptop, model Inspiron 5000e, BIOS 06, CPU 600 MHz, 256 Mb
ram, 30 Gb IDE disk, 1600x1200 ATI graphic board, Logitech Wheelmouse
optical USB, model M-BD58 (a true Logitech with color logo, no

Software : Mandrake 8.0, with a good bunch of official updates and a
self-compiled kernel from mirror, without any patch, GPM *not*
running, XFree86-4.0.3-7mdk

first, the situation without problem :

- mouse on PS2 port with USB-to-PS2 Logitech adapter
- XF86Config-4 goes to /dev/psaux for the mouse

now the problematic configuration :

- mouse connected directly to USB port
- XF86Config-4 goes to /dev/input/mice
- nothing else on USB bus

in this config, after working for a while (from 3 min to 2 hours), the
keyboard suddenly locks completely. It's not an application issue, as I
can remotely login and kill X, the lock remain. The only way to get out is
to suspend and resume. I do this using the keyboard key combination. I
suppose therefore that the Fn-Suspend goes to BIOS, which trigger the
suspend. Somewhere in the "upper" layer, my key presses are lost.

In the same config, a lot of keypresses are lost. I evaluate the ratio
loss/good at 1-2%. This key loss problem is not at all present in the
non-USB config.

I definitely would like to get my mouse working on USB, because it's the
only mode where I can get the wheel to work using IMPS/2 protocol in

The problem wasn't present on this laptop with 2.2.x. I think the problem
appeared with 2.4, but I'm not very sure, as I haven't be able to test
this for a long time (because APM wasn't working and each kbd lock needed
a cold boot). Now that I can play with it without enduring 30Gb of mke2fs,
I really would like your help to sort it out.

I'm ready to test all sort of patches and report back to LK, as soon as
you don't ask me to reformat my drive :-)

I have collected some info below, let me know if you need more.

Some more info :
[root@big root]# uname -a
Linux 2.4.12 #1 Wed Oct 17 11:40:26 CEST 2001 i686 unknown
[root@big root]# lsmod
Module Size Used by
maestro 26912 1
tulip_cb 32720 2
cb_enabler 2480 2 [tulip_cb]
ds 6560 2 [cb_enabler]
i82365 22192 2
pcmcia_core 47520 0 [cb_enabler ds i82365]
irtty 7536 2 (autoclean)
irda 142800 1 (autoclean) [irtty]
ip_tables 10688 0
mousedev 3936 0
usbmouse 1776 0 (unused)
input 3328 0 [mousedev usbmouse]
usb-uhci 21152 0 (unused)
usbcore 29568 0 [usbmouse usb-uhci]
nls_iso8859-1 2880 2 (autoclean)
nls_cp850 3616 2 (autoclean)
vfat 8976 2 (autoclean)
fat 30496 0 (autoclean) [vfat]
[root@big root]# grep USB /usr/src/linux/.config | grep -v '^#'
[root@big root]# cat /proc/interrupts
 0: 601920 XT-PIC timer
 1: 13792 XT-PIC keyboard
 2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
 3: 5 XT-PIC serial
 5: 19100 XT-PIC usb-uhci, ESS Maestro 2E
 8: 5 XT-PIC rtc
11: 16867 XT-PIC i82365, eth0
12: 105190 XT-PIC PS/2 Mouse
14: 14214 XT-PIC ide0
15: 22 XT-PIC ide1
NMI: 0
ERR: 286

Charles Bueche <>
snow, wave, wind and net -surfer
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