Reral problem is that there are also good developers that this way are
cutted out, and cannot give their contrib.
ufff! I tend to belive that politicians make law without a real knoledge
of what they are doing (see Italian law on copyrights)
On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Alan Cox wrote:
> > Putting pressure on US people to have them influence their
> > legislation? Aka. every people have the rulers they deserve? Won't work
> > out.
> "Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after
> they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."
> > Seriously, are you kidding?
> The current interpretation of the DMCA is as lunatic as it sounds. With luck
> the Sklyarov case will see that overturned on constitutional grounds. Until
> then US citizens will have to guess about security issues.
> Alan
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