This is interesting. I've never had a lockup with any kernel.
I wonder if it might be related to the type of uses the machine is put to.
My machine is a Dual PIII based of the intel GX chipset. It serves as
Workstation primarily but also does firewalling and acts as a gateway for my
other PCs. Mostly the load isn't too heavy but I do crank it up a lot when I
compile KDE and have several parts building at the same time.
Mika Liljeberg wrote:
> Jeff Golds wrote:
> > No, it only hung just after boot one time. However, I was doing a
> > kernel build when it hung (I was trying to make a new kernel to try out
> > as I had just rebooted).
> >
> > Most times, the machine will stay up for a day or two then lock during a
> > kernel build.
> Hi Jeff,
> I have the exact same symptoms on my PII SMP, 440BX chipset machine, and
> I believe it started around version 2.4.6 as you say. Prior to that, my
> machine would reboot randomly without warning. The latest kernel that
> neither reboots nor locks up is 2.4.0-test9. Sometimes it takes two
> hours, sometimes it takes two days, sometimes it takes longer.
> The machine just freezes solid, nothing appears on the console, sysrq
> won't work, leds won't blink, and I suspect the CPUs are spinning (I can
> hear the CPU fans pick up speed, when it happens). The lockups don't
> seem to have any relation to what the machine is doing at the time. An
> idle machine seems to lock up just as readily as a busy one.
> Regards,
> MikaL
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