2MB a second is about right... Flash is slow... I get about that on an
older 64MB simple technologies flash card... maybe their doc says 16Mb/s
which would be quite accurate...
On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Paul wrote:
> Hi
> I hope I'm sending this to the right list, sorry if it's not :)
> With compact flash cards connected via IDE what is the "normal" expected
> transfer rates? I have a Sandisk (32 and 128MB) and I only get around
> 2MB/sec (read test using hdparm) when all the docs from sandisk suggest
> around 16MB/sec. They haven't returned my emails so I suspect their specs
> are a little misleading...they quote around 16MB/sec read transfer rates.
> What sort of read rates should I be expecting?
> Thanks
> Paul
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