Re: Kernel Releases

From: Giacomo Catenazzi (
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 12:53:27 EST

Dan Kegel wrote:

>>On Monday 26 November 2001 16:45, Mike Galbraith wrote:
>>>>The only way we can get good testing for new kernels is to stop using
>>>>-preN prefix in development branch (2.5.x). Just increment that 'x'.
>>>That won't change anything except the number on the kernel. The people
>>>who you're trying to turn into bleeding edge testers (those who stay a
>>>little behind [bignum]) will continue to ride the curve at the point of
>>>their choosing.
>>Yes, but they can't tell which 2.5.x is more stable just from version number.
>>This way Linus will get better test coverage in 2.5.x.
>>Those who need stability can read lkml and figure out which 2.5.x was
>>'glitchless' :-) or stick with 2.4.x
> Agreed. 2.5.x should not use -pre. Just increment X.

No. In the unstable branch there are frequent 'private' pre-release,
used for test or to syncronize big merges/changes.

Let continue actual status:

the normal release for everybody (restricted to developer) and the

pre reelase for special/merges patch.


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