My router under Slackware 8 had worked only for 3 hours on kernel
2.4.14. After that time everything
hung up totally. My two friends with kernel 2.4.14 had the same effect on
other linuxes (RH7.1).
J hanged kernel to 2.4.16 and everything was ok....till today. After seven
days i had indentical situation
like with kernel 2.4.14. Everything hung up, i could not seen anything on
After hard reboot, i was looking in logs but i really cound find nothing
This happend only on my quite big router, on my clients comupters with
Slackwere 8 and kernel 2.4.14 ewerything is OK.
I'am sorry if i am wirting about well known bug. But does anyone had similar
problems ?
What is the problem and is there any path for it?
I attached my config.h file.
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