On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 02:20:38PM +0100, Daniel Phillips wrote:
> You're just supporting the point of view that Linus has been espousing, and
> I personally support: Linux is engineered at a micro level[1] but evolves
> on its own at a macro level.
If this becomes true, then Linux fails. If the coreLinux designers did
not "get" the UNIX design and understand what was good about Plan9, then
Linux would look like IRIX without quality control. And the engineer
formerly known as Linus has admitted as much in past .e.g. with the
comment about UNIX being about "Desgin with a capital D".
> I'll get really worried if Linus wakes up one day and decides that from now
> on he's going to properly engineer every aspect of the Linux kernel. The
> same way I'd feel if Linux got taken over by a committee.
I'm at a loss here. I state that an emphasis on design has been critical
to Linux and you respond that it would be bad if Linus wanted to
personally engineer every aspect of the Linux kernel.
In the english language, the word "design" does not have the same
semantics as "control every detail".
Anyways, enough.
> --
> Daniel
> [1] In places. All those little warts and occasional pools of sewage are
> clearly not 'engineered'.
> -
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