The application is elm2.4.ME+.82 with PGP 6.5.8. Works fine under
kernel version 2.4.17. Under 2.5.2-pre5, when I try to encrypt+sign
a message to a particular recipient for which I have two matching keys
on my pgp keyring, no matching pgp key is found. The *only* difference
between "works" and "doesn't" is the kernel version.
Cranked up the debug level on elm in an attempt to see what's happening,
and at level 41, I notice that the parent (elm) isn't reading anything
from the child (pgp -kv recipient_address). No error indication of any
kind, so fork(), pipe(), execl(), fdopen(), and fgets() all seem to be
libc version is 2.2.3.
Possible side-effect of bio changes?
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