Actually it would seem this is just Andre's, not so subtle, way of
trying to prove that his ATA133/48-bit addressing patches need included
in 2.4.
Chris Ball wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 08:14:32PM -0700, Benjamin S Carrell wrote:
>>I would think that you lose that space to formatting
> That would be irrelevant. We're looking at the kernel's summation of
> the geometry, not the filesystem's description of usable space.
>>(would it not get the size of the drive from the bios?)
> No, the kernel tends not to rely on the BIOS for geometry. Which is
> usually very wise.
>>but I stand open for correction.
> Same here. It's always a good idea. :-)
> Is this perhaps Maxtor providing their own 'non-standard'[1] definition
> of gigabyte, rather than a technical issue?
> - Chris.
> [1]: (viz. 'wrong')
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