Hello every one.
I've been earing some rumors, that i am quite sure that are turth about the
isdn channel d.
As all of u know ( i think ) isdn cards have 3 channels: 2*64 and one time
16 kbs.
This last one is called channel D.
Channel D is used to dial and to reply to tones and minor stuff like that.
The big deal here in my country is that u don't have to pay for the channel
D traffic ( And it is legal to use it, i can assure that, cause i am well
informed on that matter!)
Many banks use the channel D to money transfers and so.
But in order to do that they had to aquire some hard and software that all
together costs arround 500 US Dollars or 450 Euros more or less.
K this was just an intro! The interesting part is that some students from
www.ist.pt ( TECNICO), managed to build some software that allows to use the
ISDN Channel d without any need of additional hardware.....
I would like to know if any of u isdn driver hackers can point me out a way
of how to build such a program or where to read some real good stuff about
this ISDN-D channel.
Regards, Astinus
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