Re: Missing changelog to Ingo's J5 scheduler?

From: Rene Rebe (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 05:56:53 EST

From: Ingo Molnar <>
Subject: Re: Missing changelog to Ingo's J5 scheduler?
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 12:56:09 +0100 (CET)

> On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Rene Rebe wrote:
> > Yes. -J5 is even better here. With -J4 moving windows arround or doing
> > other GUI intensive stuff was interactive for a short time (1-2
> > seconds?) - and then the programm lost all interactivity (with some
> > unniced gcc in the background ...). With -J5 all applications keep
> > smoth even with two rebuilds (unniced) of a distribution running!
> could you also compare -J5 to -J2? [use the 2.4 patch, or vanilla
> 2.5.3-pre4 which has J2.]

Ok. After some massive rebooting:

-J2 is worser. starting XFree(+gnome) when three gcc's are running
take long (> half a minute?). With -J5 X start nearly normal (mostly
file access time anyway?) Dragging windows arround is nearly
equal. Although with -J2 i sometimes noticed a really big latency when
starting vim or man ...

Oh. btw. The -J5 was tested with 2.4.18-pre7; the rest was with
vanilla-2.4.17 - I hope this doesn't make a performance difference for
this tests ...

> Ingo

k33p h4ck1n6

René Rebe (Registered Linux user: #248718 <>)



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