Re: VIA KT266 and SBLive! (emu10k1)

From: Martin Mačok (
Date: Sat Jan 26 2002 - 19:03:24 EST

On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 06:11:53PM -0500, Nix N. Nix wrote:
> I understand (not well enough, perhaps) that there are some known
> problems with a combination of Via chipset and SBLive!. Indeed, I have
> experienced these myself, in that sometimes, when a sound is about to
> play (as when I roll up my GNOME panel), the speakers first emit a burst
> of noise (sounds like a can of pop opening) before playing the sound.

> problem somewhat by following someone's (from Via Arena) recommendation,
> namely to move the DBLive! card to PCI slot 3. The reason behind the
> move, accordig to the group is to obtain a unique IRQ for the card.

> Unfortunately, the problem still surfaces occasionally. Can you please
> advise me on what I can do to (hopefully) eliminate this problem ?

Wonder if this is related:

Try changing theese values

+# CONFIG_SOUND_DMAP is not set

I don't know why ... but it just helped me.

(and I think that some have also succeded with i686 kernel instead of
athlon kernel)

         Martin Mačok       
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