From: Denis Vlasenko <>
Subject: Re: I've stopped the 'Spurious interrupts on IRQ7'
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:19:13 -0200
> I'm not saying printer has anything to do with this. I'm saying that irq7 is
Yes. I know and understand what you said! ;-) I only added that it
might not be a hardware bug - but a miss-programming or interpreting
of the hardware, introduced in one of the last 2.4.1x kernel! I never
got this in the past and now I get it on ALL machnines!
Or was this debug-message introduced in a 2.4.x kernel and this
situation was simply ignored?
> not generated by LPT port in this case, it is interrupt controller saying:
> "I've got anonymous interrupt request". Shouldn't happen, it's minor hw bug.
> With "parport=0x378,7" kernel thinks that it's printer and hence don't emit
> "spurious int" msg. I bet if you look in parport code you'll see that LPT
> ints get silently ignored if there's nothing to do. It just thinks: "whee,
> printer int, let's look at LPT ports... hmm, strange, printer is ready,
> nothing to do... oh well, iret".
> --
> vda
k33p h4ck1n6
-- René Rebe (Registered Linux user: #248718 <>)eMail:
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