Re: Why 'linux/fs.h' cannot be included? I *can*...

From: DervishD (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 05:20:02 EST

    Hello Eric :)

>> This header can be included or not? It works for me, with headers
>> from 2.4.17, so, is it just for backwards compatibility?
>Policy. It is for forwards compatibility. The general policy on kernel
>headers is that if it breaks you get to keep the pieces.

    That is: I can include it if I just want the definition of a few
ioctl's, but if in a future version all that is changed or even
dissapears is completely my problem.

    Given the number of user-space apps that needs ioctl definitions
and things like those (that are supposed not to change easily), those
definitions should go in user-includable headers... IMHO.

    Fortunately, we have some of them in libc headers now.

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