Re: A modest proposal -- We need a patch penguin

From: Francesco Munda (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 20:32:13 EST

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:23:26 +0000
Padraig Brady <> wrote:

> Currently the way I see it [should be] currently is:
> [cut-n-pasted graph]
> I.E. Linus just gets input from the combiners which
> test logic from the maintainers in combination. Also
> random hackers should input to the combiners and not Linus
> if there isn't an appropriate maintainer for their code.

Quite descriptive and useful, thanks.

Let me raise a point. And extend your graph:

random hackers
| | | | | | |
| maintainers -< subsys testers
| | | |
combiners -< tree testers
| |

Who you call combiners... How many of them should release independent trees
to be thrown at us test-dogs? My point of view is neither the hacker, nor the
maintainer nor the combiner one. Nor Linus, thank god! :) It's the guy who
risks his filesystem integrity with some 2.X.Y-preZ-testW-QQ-KK kernel.

How many crosspatched sources I should look at, to try my luck with?

Have fun,

-- Francesco

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