Re: Can't boot 2.4.17 or 2.5.1 kernel

From: Fabrice Eudes (
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 08:22:33 EST

Hi again !

Le Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 10:01:42AM -0200, Marinho Paiva Duarte a �crit:
> You must upgrade the modutils and other related packages.
> Take a look at debian news and see the packages that Bunk had prepared
> to use Debian 2.2 with 2.4.x kernels.
> I think it will solve your problem.
I said in my previous mail that I use the 'woody' version so it should
be ready for 2.4.x kernel shouldn't it ?

Anymay, I had a look at A. Bunk site, upgraded the necessary packages
and reboot; well, still no problem for the 2.2.19 but still can't boot
the 2.4.x (tried the official kernel-image-2.4.17-k7)

any other idea ? thanks.

St�phanie, Fabrice et Fiona	 -o)	 /\\		_\_V
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