[Re: Can't boot 2.4.17 or 2.5.1 kernel] problem solved ?!

From: Fabrice Eudes (fabrice@oberon.ambre.fr)
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 20:55:23 EST

[anglophobes, ne lisez pas la suite :-)]

Hi !

Le Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 08:51:19PM +0100, Jose Luis Domingo Lopez a
> One day I tried again to boot those "problematic" kernels from the
> same
> PC, now upgraded to Woody, and the problems appeared in the same
> places.
> One thing that I noticed is that Alan's 2.4.x-acY kernels had no
> problems booting where plain 2.4.x kernels failed.
thanks a lot for the tip !

I compiled a kernel from the "plain" 2.4.13 sources with the ac-8 patch
and it works fine.

haaa... my radeon works and I can play tuxracer; great !

more seriously, thanks to all the people making the ac kernel-variants.
Just one more -silly?- question: it seems -for me at least- that some
of the ac patches should be integrated in the kernel, why aren't they ?
(I repeat that ANY 2.4.17 variant I compiled won't even boot ! I'm not
talking about kernel panic here)
is my hardware so exotic ??

thanks again.

PS: it worked also with a 2.4.13-ac5 :-)
PPS: I don't mind to buils a few more kernel to identify which part(s)
of the ac patches is(are) responsible of this non-non-booting ;-)
situation but I need someone to guide me.
PPPS: I'll have some time in a week; tomorrow I go skiing 8-)

Stéphanie, Fabrice et Fiona	 -o)
stephanie.dupuis@free.fr	 /\\
fabrice.eudes@free.fr		_\_V
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