I am pretty sure that Linus will not want to be copied on all these emails.
The result is likely to be that he reads none of them.
I don't think that at this stage we should be talking to Linus Torvalds at
all. He is probably too busy.
I think that a much better approach would be to talk to the current kernel
oss sound developers, and get alsa checked into the kernel via them.
I think that one person should be responsible for linux kernel sound, so
that Linus Torvalds does not have to ignore so much email due to overload.
When I have too many emails in my email box, single short(5 lines) emails
get read, whole discussion threads get left unread.
So a simple "Here is the final alsa sound patch for the kernel" from someone
Linus already knows would in my view be more successful.
My 2 cents.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: alsa-devel-admin@lists.sourceforge.net
> [mailto:alsa-devel-admin@lists.sourceforge.net]On Behalf Of Jeff Garzik
> Sent: 12 February 2002 00:23
> To: Dan Mann
> Cc: Jaroslav Kysela; ALSA development; LKML; Linus Torvalds
> Subject: [Alsa-devel] Re: ALSA patch for 2.5.4
> Dan Mann wrote:
> > On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 09:16, Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
> > > I repeat myself but anyway. We are open to any suggestions and
> > > ideas for this kernel integration patch. Unfortunately, Linus has not
> > > approved this directory tree and he is not talking with us at
> the time.
> > > It seems that BIO changes are over, but he's probably busy enough to
> > > ignore our e-mails with co-operation requests.
> > There are at least 2 reasons that I can see why Linus probably won't
> > accept your patch:
> >
> > 1. It is not an inline text attachment (it is a URL).
> > 2. It is 79,000 lines long
> Well, merging ALSA is going to be one big mother of a patch no matter
> how you slice it :)
> But I agree, it would be nice for the patch to be broken up into steps,
> ie. first patch moves OSS drivers into new location, second patch adds
> infrastructure, third patch adds the 1001 drivers that ALSA supports :)
> Also if the ALSA guys wanted to experiment with BK, that would be a
> great way to do the merge.
> Jeff
> --
> Jeff Garzik | "I went through my candy like hot oatmeal
> Building 1024 | through an internally-buttered weasel."
> MandrakeSoft | - goats.com
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