> I'd like to try that, too, so if you can send me the program ...
I run it on /dev/md0 (which consists of one hd on each HPT370 channel).
You can also do it for /dev/hd{e,g} in parallel - the effects are pretty
much the same. To make it trigger easier, try "ping -f -s 64000" on
background and stress scsi system if you have one. I think any pci load
affects it, but I found 3c905b network load by far the easiest way to
trigger the bug (I even got OOPSes if 3c905b was in certain slot while
doing that.)
Oh, and please excuse the state of the code - it was meant as a quick hack
-- Ville Herva vherva@viasys.com +358-50-5164500 Viasys Oy Hannuntie 6 FIN-02360 Espoo +358-9-2313-2160 PGP key available: http://www.iki.fi/v/pgp.html fax +358-9-2313-2250
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