Re: If you were to write a book about operating systems...

From: Samuel M. Stringham (
Date: Mon Feb 25 2002 - 17:12:46 EST

On Mon, 2002-02-25 at 15:48, Eric Krout wrote:
> would you use Java as your means of illustrating particular concepts?
> The reason I ask is that I find fault with the course I'm currently
> taking because the text that our curriculum is based on does just this.
> Now, granted, we have written some C code during labs, but that doesn't
> cut it for me.

Well, the book you are talking about is the dinosaur book is it not?
The reason they use this is for more cross platform opportunities and to
stress that operating system procedures are not a bunch of MicroSoft API
calls (as was the main downfall of the old way the class was taught with
the first edition of the dinosaur book). Though the book is light on
implimentation it is rather useful for ideas and concepts. This book
and their authors actually came highly recommended from this list

Hope this helps

Samuel Stringham

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