On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 09:23:16PM -0500, Karl wrote:
> >All hail the non-profit nazis from Ohio State. It's none of your
> >f_cking business what we use to develop software. I use a hardware
> >American Arium logic analyzer and a proprietary Linux kernel
> >debugger. Should people be boycotted when they use hardware
> >analyzers to debug hardware and software with Linux.
> I don't want to speak for our friends in Ohio, but I don't think they
> asked to inhibit you in any way shape or form. Their point was about
> official endorsement not personal choice. I think they went as far as to
> state that explicitly.
> Karl
Yeah, I saw that part Karl, but the bottom line in their position
was to limit our choices and choose for us their oppresive views. It's
also tortorious to post such a petition as a mean to attack a for
profit endeavor, whether the profit is kudos or consideration. Try
pulling this on Novell or Microsoft, and watch how fast you go to court.
These people are bullies.
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