Petro wrote:
> And if the government tells you how or what to do with the contents
> of your computer, you will because if the financial interests are
> strong enough, the laws will get passed, the constitutions will get
> modified, and the courts will accept it.
> And then you have two choices.
> Do what they tell you, or go to jail. (Well, there is a third
> choice, but it would best not be discussed here).
There is a fourth choice. For more than a hundred years of commercial
endeavor in the US and perhaps longer in other areas of the planet, the
solution to technically restrictive law has been to invent something
entirely new that implements the desired result in a way that falls outside
of the classifications written into the existing law.
It's the classic Church-Turing game. Writing a law necessarily creates an
explicit instance of a more general concept. These are inherently vulnerable
to sufficient creativity.
Best to invent under the umbrella of a respected university and publish only
in obscure journals to maximize the other side's response time.
Creativity is power.
Ed Vance
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