On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 05:39:21PM -0800, Stephen Samuel wrote:
> note: this solution DOES NOT PRECLUDE YOU (or anybody else) FROM
> USING BITKEEPER (or any other proprietary solution) in the privacy of
> your office and/or home -- even if you want to do Linux development
> with it. It's simply about what occurs in the OFFICIAL Linux kernel
> code tree, which probably has a reasonably high proportion of people
> who are both politically and financially sensitive to the idea of
> being almost required to use an closed source product to work on
> their open source 'baby'.
You left off:
We support your right to have babies, even though you can't have
babies, which is nobodies fault, not even Larry McVoy's.
Thanks for giving everyone your permission to use bitkeeper in the privacy of
their own home. Its nice to know you think anyone gives a fuck about your
opinion. Now kindly sod off and stop wasting everybodies time.
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