
From: Rock Gordon (rockgordon@yahoo.com)
Date: Sat Mar 09 2002 - 15:35:07 EST

Kernel version: 2.4.16

What does kupdated actually do ? I have a system where
kupdated and bdflush take over both cpus, and the
system freezes for 10 minutes ... there's no disk
space left on the 2TB XFS file system, striped RAID0
by an MD device over 2 1TB arrays. Assuming normal
UNIX/POSIX functionality, XFS should return ENOSPC ...
but it doesn't ... it still spins like hell trying to
scavenge the 40k of disk space that's left of the 2TB

This seems to cause kupdated/bdflush to spin like
crazy ...

The 2 1TB arrays are 13 disk hardware RAID5 arrays,
with no hot spare.

Any clues ?

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