Alan Cox wrote:
> Dan Kegel wrote:
> > I'm all in favor of a userspace fix. I suggested a patch
> > to glibc to fix this. Ulrich rejected it; I'm trying
> > to coax out of him how he thinks profiling of multithreaded
> > programs on Linux should be fixed.
> Good and I'll reject any kernel patches 8)
> If Ulrich won't talk then talk to the NGPT people. Maybe a little
> competition will warm things up.
Surely Ulrich will come up with a constructive proposal for
how to make gprof work with LinuxThreads. He wouldn't
want an important tool like gprof to remain broken for
years, would he?
While I await his constructive response, perhaps I'll get my
glibc patch in shape.
I am maintainer of what amounts to a tiny embedded linux
distribution, and I'm pretty sure my users would like
gprof to work. (In fact, my boss's boss would really
like gprof to work. This problem has a lot of visibility.)
- Dan
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