Adrian V. Bono wrote:
> Andreas Dilger wrote:
>> On Apr 19, 2002 09:17 +0900, Adrian V. Bono wrote:
>>> While working in X on kernel 2.4.17 on an IBM Thinkpad T20, sometimes
>>> the mouse pointer would just gravitate all by itself, without my
>>> moving the mouse or pointing stick, upwards. The first time that
>>> happened, i was coding in an xterm when suddenly, window focus
>>> shifted to another window and i noticed the mouse pointer was moving
>>> upwards by itself. Anyone else notice this?
>> This is common to all thinkpads (or other laptops which have trackpoint
>> devices) and also happens under Windows. The cause is related to
>> automatic compensation for the centering of the trackpoint. Early
>> trackpoint devices didn't have automatic centering and I remember
>> replacing more than a few keyboards because the mouse would start
>> drifting by itself. Later trackpoints have automatic centering, but
>> if you hold onto the trackpoint for a long time (causing the "center"
>> to be offset by some amount) and then let go, it will settle back to
>> the "old center" and the cursor will drift for a few seconds until
>> the automatic centering kicks in again.
>> Moral of the story - don't touch the trackpoint when you aren't doing
>> anything with it.
> Yes, i've replied two replies similar to yours. But it happens to my
> desktop, too.
oops, sorry, that should read, "i've received". :)
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