On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 10:18:10AM -0500, Kevin Corry wrote:
> The EVMS team is announcing the next full release of the Enterprise Volume
> Management System. Package 1.0.1 is now available for download at the project
> web site:
> http://www.sf.net/projects/evms
> Version 1.0.1 is primarily minor bug fixes for the previous version (1.0.0),
> as noted below.
> This release again contains an extra package for experimental File System
> Interface Module (FSIM) support. Along with the libparted-based FSIM, there
> is also a new JFS FSIM. The parted FSIM requires parted version 1.6.x, and
> the JFS FSIM requires version 1.0.9 or later of the JFS utilities.
It would be nice if the jfs fsim linked against libjfs, rather than
exec()ing mkfs & friends.
(mkfs should be a frontend of libjfs)
Notice you have no error handling, etc. now? Also, the "total system"
seems more complicated now. (For example: how are you going to
interface the resizer, so you can find out the min/max sizes, etc?)
Also, while I'm at it: you didn't like my idea for interfacing
the parted exception system with evms properly? I even wrote the code
for you (without testing it)... I didn't see a reply to my mail...
you(s) didn't like it?
BTW: what do you think of how libparted interfaces with libreiserfs?
There has been a lot of work, and it has all been merged properly now.
I think EVMS should do something similar. Have a look in
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