[2.4.18] preemptible patch causing freeze

From: Pawel Kot (pkot@linuxnews.pl)
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 09:29:11 EST

Hi Robert,

I was attempting to get new ntfs driver to work with your preemptible
patch in 2.4.18 kernel. I used 2.4.18 kernel with 2.4.18-4 preempt patch
and with or w/o ntfs 2.0.7b patch. The result was every time the same.
I use it on the Dell laptop with APM enabled (.config in the attachment)

The problem is that when I unplug the power cable, the laptop freezes. It
freezes totally, but not oops or other error is generated. The problem
does not exist in 2.4.18 vanilla.


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