In article <873cwx2hi4.fsf@CERT.Uni-Stuttgart.DE>,
Florian Weimer <Weimer@CERT.Uni-Stuttgart.DE> wrote:
>For your example, the result is:
> A bunch of fixes.
> Pmac updates
> Some more small fixes.
> [PATCH] 2.5.13: vmalloc link failure
> The following patch fixes this, and also fixes the similar problem in
> scsi_debug.c:
> [PATCH] in_ntoa link failure
> Nothing serious. Whoever it was that did that global replacemissed a
> spot is all...
> [PATCH] change_floppy() fix
> Needed both in 2.4 and 2.5
>IMHO, it doesn't make much sense.
It doesn't make much sense that way, but if you also made the
descriptions shorter (first line only) _and_ then packed them, it would
give a much denser overview. Oh, and remove any [PATCH] marker: I just
use them to keep track of which were imported as email-patches vs which
were done "natively" with BK..
So you'd have something like:
A bunch of fixes.
Pmac updates
Some more small fixes.
2.5.13: vmalloc link failure
in_ntoa link failure
change_floppy() fix
which I could more easily post to linux-kernel (possibly after some
minor hand-editing) because it wouldn't end up being 20kB worth of text
that not everybody is interested in reading.
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