Re: [PATCH] 2.5.15 IDE 61

From: Martin Dalecki (
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 03:52:55 EST

Uz.ytkownik Neil Conway napisa?:
> Hi... Please correct me if I'm wrong but:
> I think this patch is broken wrt serialization of channels on buggy
> chipsets.
> The hwgroup was serialized so that in certain cases, it can contain BOTH
> channels, and thus only one channel is active at a time (e.g. cmd640).
> With this patch, you are now serializing only channels, not hwgroups
> (which makes hwgroup totally redundant, yes?), and I can't see which bit
> of your patch protects the chipsets that need both channels to be
> serialized.
> I think I see where you're going with the cleanup (and this isn't
> unrelated to the conversation about IDE-62) but as it stands, this patch
> will IMHO totally fsck any machines with dodgy chipsets.
> Neil

No it will not, since we act serialized on ide_lock anyway.
However I have right now per channel (or serialization group)
lock running right now / modulo locking order problems.

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