Re: patent on O_ATOMICLOOKUP [Re: [PATCH] loopable tmpfs (2.4.17)]

From: Karim Yaghmour (
Date: Sun May 26 2002 - 16:45:50 EST

Larry McVoy wrote:
> Ask a lawyer.
> Ask a lawyer.
> Ask a lawyer.
> If you want to know for sure, hire a lawyer.
> Sounds like you need a lawyer.

In one single mail about the rtlinux patent issue you have to tell me 5 times
to see a lawyer and you expect developers to actually evaluate Linux for real
use in real-time apps?

> Snort. "may have mislabeled". Snort.


> > As I was telling Larry earlier. The software industry as we know it is an
> > endangered species.
> Tell that to Microsoft, watch them laugh.

So you're siding with Microsoft?

> I read your whole posting carefully, a couple of times. You're basically
> asking for free legal advice from a party whom with you compete, may possibly
> sue, and/or may be sued by.

You read the posting carefully and this is all you find to say?

> Do you seriously expect answers or are you
> just posturing? Rhetorical question, please don't answer it.

I don't feel the need to impress you Larry, but I do actually expect to
obtain actual answers as Victor himself promissed and I would invite
everyone wanting to hear those answers to speak up.


                 Karim Yaghmour
      Embedded and Real-Time Linux Expert
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