One of my workmates created a >2Gb file on a MS-Windows server. That works
perfectly. He exported the partition and looked at it from another
MS-Windows machine, where he can see the right size. But when we look
at the file from a linux machine, the reported size is plain wrong (it
is actually the real size on 32-bit, extended to 64 bit as a signed 32 bit
value, thus prefixed with 0xffffffff, and then printed as an unsigned 64 bit
value.). Not only does `ls -l' not work, but other accesses to the file are
also impossible.
Here is a fix (tested on 2.2.16 and 2.4.18) :
--- include/linux/smb.hbk Fri May 31 16:43:54 2002
+++ include/linux/smb.h Fri May 31 17:55:49 2002
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
uid_t f_uid;
gid_t f_gid;
kdev_t f_rdev;
- off_t f_size;
+ size_t f_size;
time_t f_atime;
time_t f_mtime;
time_t f_ctime;
Is it possible to incorporate that in the official linux kernel tree ?
Thanks in advance
Philippe De Muyter phdm@macqel.be Tel +32 27029044
Macq Electronique SA rue de l'Aeronef 2 B-1140 Bruxelles Fax +32 27029077
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