Re: [ANNOUNCE] Adeos nanokernel for Linux kernel

From: Daniel Phillips (
Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 21:20:42 EST

On Tuesday 04 June 2002 21:29, Oliver Xymoron wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Daniel Phillips wrote:
> > traditional IT. Not to mention that I can look forward to a sound
> > system where I can be *sure* my mp3s won't skip.
> Not unless you're loading your entire MP3 into memory, mlocking it down,
> and handing it off to a hard RT process. And then your control of the
> playback of said song through a non-RT GUI could be arbitrarily coarse,
> depending on load.

Thanks for biting :-)

First, these days it's no big deal to load an entire mp3 into memory.

Second, and of more interest to broadcasting industry professionals and the
like, it's possible to write a real-time filesystem that bypasses all the
normal non-realtime facilities of the operating system, and where the latency
of every operation is bounded according to the amount of data transferred.
Such a filesystem could use its own dedicated disk, or, more practically, the
RTOS (or realtime subsystem) could operate the disk's block queue.

If I recall correctly, XFS makes an attempt to provide such realtime
guarantees, or at least the Solaris version does. However, the operating
system must be able to provide true realtime guarantees in order for the
filesystem to provide them, and I doubt that the combination of XFS and
Solaris can do that.

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