Am Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2002 01:31 schrieb Andreas Dilger:
> [...]
> Just FYI, this is probably an optimally bad choice for the default disk
> spinup interval, as many laptops spindown timers in the same ballpark.
> I would say 15-20 minutes or more, unless there is a huge amount of
> VM pressure or something. Otherwise, you will quickly have a dead
> laptop harddrive from the overly-frequent spinup/down cycles.
What parts of the filesystem needs to be accessed very often? I think, that placing var on a ramdisk, that is mirrored on the hd and is synced every 30 minutes, would be a good solution.
I think, that we should add a sysrq key to save the ramdisk to the disk. Is there a similar project, that loads an image into a ramdisk at mount, and writes it back at unmount?
> Yes, minutae, I know. Otherwise a nice idea.
> Cheers, Andreas
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