kbuild-2.5 2.4.19-pre10-ac2 "automatic" make installable?

From: Kevin P. Fleming (kevin@labsysgrp.com)
Date: Thu Jun 06 2002 - 13:46:19 EST

I unpacked a new kernel tree, patched up to 2.4.19-pre10-ac2. I then applied
the kbuild-2.5 patch for this version (from stingr), and did a make
oldconfig/make installable/make install. Everything went just fine.

I rebooted, and decided to make some changes to the config. I went back into
the source tree, and renamed Makefile to Makefile-2.4 and Makefile-2.5 to
Makefile (so I don't have to keep specifying -f Makefile-2.5). I then did
"make menuconfig", and turned on loadable module support and the kernel
module loader. After the configuration got saved, kbuild automatically
started a "make installable" pass! Although I was planning on doing this
anyway, I don't think was expected behavior.

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