Re: Anyone using NFSv4?

From: David Ford (
Date: Wed Jun 19 2002 - 18:48:16 EST

My first glance at it suggested that only ext2/ext3 filesystems were
supported. I run all reiserfs so I'l have to wait.


Dax Kelson wrote:

>I noticed that the CITI group release a new June snapshot of NFSv4
>support for Linux. It is a patch against 2.4.18.
>They say, "The current version passes all Connectathon tests, and
>interoperates with other implementations".
>Currently NFSv2/3 is too insecure for my tastes, I'm greatly looking
>forward to the strong authentication, integrity, and privacy that NFSv4
>with secure RPC offers. I can envision handy uses for the "pseudo path"
>feature of NFSv4 as well.
>I was just wondering if anyone (other that CITI) is keeping an eye on
>it? Are there any pieces worth merging yet? Just curious.
>Dax Kelson
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