On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 06:55:53PM +0200, Andries Brouwer wrote:
> Kurt's patch does not solve all problems, but what it provides
> is a small translation table between different names for the same thing.
> That information is not easily obtainable without his patch.
> I do not see that driverfs provides such information.
> Andries
With Mike Sullivan'a patch for SCSI driverfs support:
You can see the relationship (not that it is simpile or easy to read),
for example, on my system for the LUN at scsi3 channel 0 , id 3, lun 0
I can see that the sd (disc) is at major/minor 4200 (66, 0), and sg
(gen) is at 1521 (21, 33):
[root@elm3a50 3:0:3:0]# pwd
[root@elm3a50 3:0:3:0]# find .
[root@elm3a50 3:0:3:0]# cat 3\:0\:3\:0\:gen/kdev
[root@elm3a50 3:0:3:0]# cat 3\:0\:3\:0\:disc/kdev
[root@elm3a50 3:0:3:0]# ls -l /dev/sdag
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 66, 0 Aug 30 2001 /dev/sdag
-- Patrick Mansfield
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