Le mar 02/07/2002 à 00:16, Arnvid Karstad a écrit :
> Hiya,
> Pozsar Balazs writes:
> > I have an abit VP6 mobo with the integrated HPT370 ide-controller.
> > If I enable ACPI support, and I connect any harddisk to the hpt host, my
> > system locks up hard during boot while initializing the drive(s) on the
> > hpt controller (ie. before printing the 'hde:...' line). The hard drive's
> > led remains lit.
> I have a similar system to yours, but I have drives only on the hpt370
> controller. My system boots, but crashes after 5 to 15 minuttes regardless
> of usage. (I've posted this to this list on a previous occation.)
Mine (ABit VP6, some drives on both controllers) either stops at
"hde:..." at boot or freezes a bit later when ACPI is on with stable
kernels (or -ac ones). Without ACPI it runs pretty well, unless I use
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