Re: 2.4.19-pre10-ac2: APM & ACPI

From: Pavel Machek (
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 22:06:10 EST


> > That's weird, because I left apm only to power off the machine
> > (otherwise it doesn't), knowing that it wouldn't be enabled because of
> > the SMP mobo. ACPI should still work.
> >
> > (OTOH, I finally disabled ACPI because (after compiling without APM) it
> > appears it randomly freezes or reboots my machine ..)
> >
> Havent you heard? Thats what ACPI-support does on linux ;-)
> So power off your SMP manually or accumulate uptime like the rest of us.
> (actually ACPI is more stable om SMP machines that normal ones. My ASUS A7M-D
> dual Athlon is the only machine I have ever seen survive more than 5 minutes
> with an ACPI-kernel)

My machines can actually stay up longer than 5 minutes, even with acpi
enabled... Have you tried 2.5.latest?

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