Re: your mail

From: Stephen Tweedie (
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 15:45:21 EST


On Thu, Jul 04, 2002 at 06:47:11PM +0500, Naseer Bhatti <> wrote:

> I got these errors in the log on a Production server. I am running ProFTPD 1.2.4 with RedHat 7.2 Kernel 2.4.7-10 not yet compiled myself and Apache 1.3.26. I got my server stop responding and after reboot I checked the logs and got a lots of kernel bugs. ProFTPD was also involved in that. httpd (Apache 1.3.26) also gave some stack output. Correct me if I am wrong. I have attached the file for detailed analysis. Please check it and let me know about the possible bug/solution.

The log shows no sign of any ext3 problem. I can't see anything in it
which would justify trying to send a compressed log of nearly 400kB to
an ext3 general users mailing list.

For what it's worth, your dcache oopses are most often associated with
bad memory --- try memtest86 on that machine before you go any

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