[OT stuff scrapped]
> >I honestly doubt ext3 would perform significantly worse than what I've
> >observed with reiserfs.
> Just try it, I did try it.
Someone else will have to carry out the test, I really can't free up
any of my partitions for a re-mkfs.
> >Never mind, however, the sole aim of my having tested the extraction of
> >rock.tar.bz2 was to show how easily you get to accuse people on lkml of
> >being incompetent w/o having any real support for your claims.
> It was (as I mentioned before) to show that there need to be some sort
> of high level coordination to make Linux better and address the needs of the
> future.
Works great from what I can tell.
> >> >PS. Solaris is over 60% slower than Linux 2.2/2.4 in common fs
> >> >operations on my SMP SPARCstation 10.
> >>
> >> If you make such statements, it would help a lot of you would mention
> >> the Solaris version you are running. I am always running a recent
> >> Solaris beta kernel - you may have used an outdated version.
> >Umm, let's see if I can fish out the install media from somewhere...
> >jup, Solaris 2.6 5/98.
> So did you compare Solaris performance with a 4 year old Linux?
No, but you did the comparison with the most recent version of Solaris for
me, only it was on IA-32. And the result is still the same, Linux wins hands
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